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Caring for the Elderly Blog

Before choosing a home care provider, families should ask important questions. These questions can help ensure that you are choosing a provider that meets your aging loved one's specific needs. We list some of the most important questions to ask senior home care providers.
Funding for senior home care can be easy with the right resources. Many government and private programs are available to provide financial assistance for those who need it. Seniors should check with their local municipal offices to find out which programs are available in their area. We share a few key resources to help families fund senior home care in Canada.
Coping with grief as a caregiver after the death of a patient can be an incredibly difficult experience. It is important to remember that the care you provided was meaningful and that you should take time to grieve in your own way. We offer helpful tips for caregivers as they cope with loss and grief.
As a caregiver it is important to make sure you are taking the time to wind down and relax. This can mean taking a break from caregiving duties and finding a quiet space where you can relax and reflect. We consider key tips to help caregivers wind down and improve their wellbeing.
Sensory activities are important for blind seniors to help stimulate the senses, increase cognitive function, and improve overall quality of life. Sensory activities can range from tactile activities such as clay sculpting and sand art, to auditory activities such as music therapy. We share some of the most effective sensory activities for blind seniors.
The winter months can be a difficult time for seniors, particularly those who live alone. It’s easy to feel isolated and overwhelmed by the cold weather and darkness. This can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety, a condition known as the 'winter blues'. We share key tips to help seniors beat the winter blues.
Healthy New Year's snacks for seniors can include whole wheat crackers and hummus, apple slices with peanut butter, Greek yogurt and berries, and vegetable sticks with guacamole. All of these snacks are high in protein and fiber, and provide balanced nutrition. They also contain antioxidants and other compounds to help boost seniors' overall health. Such snacks are simple to prepare and can be enjoyed in moderation.
Starting a New Year's resolution as a senior can be daunting. Yet, making simple lifestyle changes, like quitting smoking or cutting out high-sodium food, is a great way to start the new year. We share some of the best New Year's resolutions for seniors that they can actually keep this year.
Influenza and pneumonia are especially common in seniors during colder months. Some symptoms are similar to those of the common cold, and can be mistaken for the super flu. We share key signs of pneumonia and influenza, and how to prevent symptoms.

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