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Caring for the Elderly Blog

Vision loss is a part and parcel of aging and can be accentuated by disease. It can severely impact a senior's quality of life and increase falls and other risks. We share a few caregiving tips on how to care for seniors with poor vision.
Age-related conditions can make it difficult and even dangerous for seniors to drive. However, giving up driving can be traumatic for seniors. Families need to watch out for the signs which indicate it is time for a loved one to stop driving. We share some tips on how to identify when it is time for a senior to stop driving, how to convince them to stop driving and the alternatives available to them to maintain their independence.
Aging in a care home or a long-term care facility may not be the best and safest alternative for seniors, especially during COVID-19. In-home care can minimize infection and safety risks for seniors and helps them age safely, independently and comfortably in familiar surroundings. Live-in care is a superior form of home care and offers the best and safest quality of care for seniors.
Seniors suffering from heart disease can find it daunting to cope with it. Often the families struggle with their loved one’s care. Understanding the disease, having a coping strategy in place and maintaining a disciplined, healthy and low-stress lifestyle is critical. We share a few tips on caring for seniors with heart diseases.
Cancer is prevalent among Canadian seniors and requires complex care from knowledgeable caregivers. Caregivers should educate themselves about cancer care and make sure that they are helping their clients manage the physical and mental toll of both the disease and medication. We share a few tips.
Caregivers have high-stress responsibilities which can affect their own mental health and create emotional and physical strains. It is important for them to be mindful of their physical health and mental well-being, and build habits and interventions to regain balance. We share a few tips.
Humour may not come across as an essential part of caregiving but laughter can help a lot in not only improving the mood and reducing the stress in the care environment but also creating medically proven positive health benefits. Caregivers may think that laughter may be disrespectful while caring for someone with a serious disease and struggle to find moments of humour. However, they should look at laughter as part of the care plan and must incorporate it daily into their interactions with seniors. We share a few tips.
Seniors consume a lot of medicine. Medication management is a critical aspect of caring for seniors. Wrong dosage is common and can be life-threatening. Caregivers should ensure that a proper system is in place and the medicines are organized and stored properly to reduce the risk of wrong or overdosage or adverse reactions. We share a few tips on medicine management for seniors and their caregivers.
Diabetes is a serious common disease among seniors. It can profoundly impact a senior's quality of life and requires changes in diet, regular exercise, medication and monitoring to manage. However, with proper care and discipline, its risks can be mitigated and the quality of life maintained. Here we share a few tips for managing diabetes for seniors.

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