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Caring for the Elderly Blog

As seniors age, their changing dietary habits and preferences can lead to a deficiency of essential nutrients which can cause many serious problems. The dietary aspect of seniors is often overlooked by families, physicians and caregivers as they focus more on their illnesses. Here we share a few senior nutrition tips on common dietary deficiencies and how to avoid them for seniors.
Providing quality companion care is a critical part of a caregiver's job. It helps seniors maintain their daily routines and independence with dignity and comfort, and has been shown to have a strong positive impact on their physical and mental well-being. Caregivers must understand what quality companionship entails and make sure that they make it a part of their daily caregiving routine. Here we share a few guidelines.
Caregivers need to practice self-compassion and take care of themselves. It will keep them healthy, avoid burnout and helps them provide better care of their elderly clients. In this article, we share a few tips on how caregivers can take better care of themselves.
Joint activities such as exercise, games, cooking, listening to music or art projects can help nurture the client and caregiver relationship. They help develop trust and friendship, which are vital for caring for a client. Once a client trusts a caregiver, they will allow a caregiver to enter their personal space and are more likely to accept care. We share examples of a few activities that caregivers can do with their clients to improve their bond.
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a serious chronic disease that can be fatal. Seniors are especially vulnerable to it. Care for high blood pressure requires constant monitoring, medical intervention and adjustments to diet and daily lifestyle. Professional caregivers can help seniors maintain the right lifestyle to manage hypertension and reduce associated risks. Here we share a few tips on how to care for seniors with hypertension.
Osteoporosis is a common disease among Canadian seniors and can lead to serious injuries. However, proper care, regular exercise, and a nutrient-rich diet can help mitigate its risks. A professionally trained caregiver can ensure that a senior makes and maintains the lifestyle changes needed to manage osteoporosis and reduce associated risks. We share a few tips on how to prevent Osteoporosis.
Regular exercise is critical for seniors to stay fit and maintain their physical and mental health. However, the long Canadian winters can force seniors into indoor confinement and make it difficult to carry out activities such as walking. However, there are still many options available to seniors to exercise and stay fit while indoors. Here we share a few winter exercising tips.
Caregivers, especially those who care for dementia, tend to have a very high rate of burnout. Burnout can cause physical, emotional and mental exhaustion. It can lead to depression and anxiety, and impact work and personal life. In this article, we share a few tips on how to identify symptoms of burnout early and prevent it.
The holiday season can be a great opportunity for caregivers to get closer to their clients and their families and build trust. By doing holiday activities with their clients, the caregivers can lift the seniors' spirits, make them feel valued and appreciated, and strengthen their mutual bonds which will make care delivery easier. In this article, we share a few activities which the caregivers can do jointly with their clients and their families during these holidays, and the benefits they may get out of them.

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